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Angel with horn - Трубящий Ангел

Святая Анна с младенцем Марией

Песня 13. Слёзы Любви

Карта посещений с 26.08.2022

Wandering - Today was birthday - 徘徊 - 今天是生日

Today, 15.12.2015 was good day.

Angel Rem

In the morning averted his son to school, I came home and sat down at my laptop. The mood was good, and I began again to browse our website and head to eliminate inaccuracies and errors. As a result, a bit altered design and put a fresh cap, more suitable weather conditions in the world. I worked for three hours, when suddenly I feel toothache but money on this is not.

Today, - my wife birthday and that good, but she does not know, that she Wandering. All time I am wrigting mesiges from her and i hope this it becomes a reality.

я люблю её, хоть она и пьяница и ничего не хочет делать для наших сайтов. and I will continue to write for our websites many years and for her.

Wandering - this is wanderer who must find their way home.
And I kiss you hard-hard, embrace strong - forward my Queen and сome to us!

Angel plus corporation © New our world

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